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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina


Your home's exterior doors can contribute significantly to air leakage and can also waste energy through conduction, especially if it's old, uninsulated, improperly installed, and/or improperly air sealed. Weatherstripping can reduce the energy losses due to air leakage.

Visit the US Department of Energy's website for more information on energy-efficient doors.

Selecting New Exterior Doors

New exterior doors often fit and insulate better than older types. If you have older doors in your home, replacing them might be a good investment, resulting in lower heating and cooling costs.

If you're building a new home, you should consider buying the most energy-efficient doors possible.

When selecting doors for energy efficiency, it's important to first consider their energy performance ratings in relation to the local climate and your home's design. This will help narrow your selection.

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) label helps you compare energy performance ratings of doors. Learn more about the NFRC label.